


Patient recruitment through our clinical trials recruiting platforms (neighborhoodtrials.com and clarahealth.com)

Passive and Active Patient Engagement through M&B’s Patient Engagement and Survey Research Center

CMS Approved HCAHPS Vendor

The HCAHPS (Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems) survey is the first national, standardized, publicly reported survey of patients’ perspectives of hospital care. HCAHPS (pronounced “H-caps”), also known as the CAHPS Hospital Survey, is a survey instrument and data collection methodology for measuring patients’ perceptions of their hospital experience

• Full CMS Compliance
• Data Integrity Review
• Up to 5 Survey Attempts/Patient
• Disposition Log
• Quarterly Uploads to CMS
• Notification of CMS Receipt
• M&B Online Portal Access
• Quarterly HCAHPS Reporting
• Real Time Survey Results

Patient satisfaction survey and data collection solutions and advanced quality assurance tools

Instrument development and testing

IRB clearance package preparation and submission

Conducting cognitive monitoring, structured interviews, and focus groups

Cognitive monitoring, structured interviews, and focus groups

Multi-channel patient outreach support: web, email, mobile, SMS, IVR, F2F and paper

Patient recruitment and engagement through digital marketing

In-house proprietary customer relationship management systems developed for our life science and healthcare customers

In-house e-consent platform

Robust patient concierge services through our M&B Care including

• Patient appointment scheduling
• Coordinated patient travel booking services
• Patient reimbursement services
• 24/7 Live Call Center Support in up to 240 different languages

Patient Registries through our neighbhorhoodtrials.com web-based technology platform

Clinical Trials Operations Support

• Patient Recruitment (Phases I-IV) for both sponsors and study sites
• Project management of clinical development programs
• On-site, Remote and Centralized Monitoring
• Minority Investigator Recruitment and Training

Patient Advocacy Services and Support through our 400 community-based partners and patient advocacy groups

Client list of more than 30 biotech, pharma, and healthcare customers

Therapeutic clinical trials expertise across oncology, immunology, diabetes, infection diseases, Covid 19, rare diseases, and gene therapy

Let's Partner Up

Let's talk about your upcoming trials! We'd love to make your experience a better one.

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Visit Our Patient Recruitment Portal